15lbs Baby Delivered!!!

Joy Buckley from Upstate New York gave birth to a 15 pound cutie pie named Harper.

Joy has plenty of reasons to feel blessed, at 23 inches long and with a full set of hair Harper is healthy and doing well. But Harper’s Mom did compare her birth to “being hit by a couple of tractor-trailers.”

According to the Dr , Harper’s size was due to “poor genetics” and so needed a c-section AND a vacuum to be delivered.

But taking into consideration that Joy was told she had a 15% chance of having a baby it seems to be all worth it.

Congratulations Joy and welcome to the world Harper!





Mike + Julie AnneComment
A Mom hilariously draws what it's like to be a Mom
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Mattea Golf has perfectly expressed what’s it like to be a frustrated Mom.

In a her Facebook Post she writes:

“So this past weekend I was having a hard time finding the words (probably because I haven't had any sleep) to express to Kris why I'm not in the best of moods first thing in the morning. So I sat down with my coffee and drew him a visual.”

If you’ve been a tired Mom with a couple hours of sleep while hubby is snoring away this is for you!

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Mike + Julie Anne
An Artist Turns Disney Princesses Into Parents...the results are amazing

Artist Isaiah Stephens paints a picture, literally, on what it'd be like for Disney Princess to be Parents. Ariel has a food-throwing toddler, Belle is breastfeeding, and Jasmine has a beautiful baby bump. From Pocahontas to Queen Elsa, see what comes after their storybook ending. — Isaiah’s Facebook Page and Instagram account.





Mike + Julie AnneComment
Iowa "miracle" baby born weighing 13 oz

Ellonn Smartt was just 23 weeks pregnant when her water broke.

“They said I was going to have to deliver in the next day or two and there was a good chance he wouldn’t survive,” Smartt recalled. “That was the moment when I fell apart. I was heartbroken.”


But she quickly regrouped and on July 11 welcomed Jaden Wesley Morrow via C-section. He weighed just 13 ounces. According to the World Health Organization, the average birth weight for male babies born full term is 7 pounds, 6 ounces.

The little boy came out fighting and she couldn’t be more proud

“His arms and toes were moving and he was trying to breathe on his own,” Smartt said. “He’s our little miracle…I go in and talk to him, and I tell him that I’m proud of him every day.”

Jaden was transferred to the NICU at Blank Children’s Hospital in Des Moines. He will be discharged on his Nov. 6 due date.

“For most part, Jaden is stable,” Smartt said. “He’s on a ventilator and had a small infection, but his doctors think he looks great. He’s getting breast milk and gaining weight.”


Jaden has a long road ahead, according to Dr. Krista Haines, a neonatologist at DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Babies born at 23 weeks are risk for developing premature lung disease, brain bleeds, infections, bone fractures and blindness.

“Long term we know that there are motor and cognitive delays as well as fine motor delays,” Haines said. She noted that very premature babies are at higher risk for developing autism spectrum disorder and ADHD.

“We know too that some of these babies do really, really well and that they can function similar to their peers,” Dr. Haines said. “Early intervention is the most important thing. It’s absolutely crucial.”

Smartt is counting down the days until Jaden sleeps in his own crib. “I have moments where I get sad because I want him home with me," she said. "But I am staying positive for Jaden.”

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Mike + Julie AnneComment
These newborn babies dressed as pickles. It's a really big dill

It's impossible not to smile at these newborn babies all dressed as pickles. Yes, pickles.

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Hospital dressed up the babies as pickles in honor of Picklesburgh, Pittsburgh's annual food festival dedicated to the briney snack.

Pickle Baby 1

"We've been thrilled with the community feedback we've received, but we have never had quite a gift like this that we've received from our community with these little gherkins," Jeremy Waldrup, president and CEO of Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, said in a video made by the hospital.

Pickle Baby 2

The staff at UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital outfitted newborn babies in adorable green pickle suits that a hospital nurse knitted especially for the event. The babies wore fitted green blankets, complete with bumps (just like you'd find on a real pickle) and green caps.

Each baby was also given a T-shirt that read, "Special Dill-evry."

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Are pickles the most common pregnancy craving?

These pickles outfits were also playful spin since pickles are often said to be a traditional pregnancy craving for some moms.

So, how common are these pregnancy cravings? Are pickles really the most desirable snack for soon-to-be moms? It's probably an "old wives tale," Dr. Jacques Moritz, an assistant professor at Mount Sinai Medical Center, explained.

Cravings, from pickles to ice cream or carbs vary person to person, Moritz said. While they're often blamed on hormones, there's no medical study to back that up. He used pickles as an example for when a pregnant woman has too much alkaline in their body, and need something more acidic, like pickles.

Whether you're feeling pickled by these cravings or feeling sour about it, we hope you found these babies dressed as pickles as dill-lightful as we did.

"The Singing Doctor" who serenaded over 8,000 babies honored after 40-year career

Over his 40-year career, Dr. Carey Andrew-Jaja has delivered 8,000 babies and received the special nickname of "The Singing Doctor." That's because he sang to every single one of the babies he delivered — and then some. 

Dr. Andrew-Jaja, who worked at UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital in Pittsburgh, loves to sing "Happy Birthday" and Louis Armstrong's hit, "What A Wonderful World," to the newborns. 

He explained his song choice in a video for UPMC. "To me, it's a wonderful thing in my hand, the miracle of life," he said. "And the rest of is that it's a beautiful world we live in. We forget about all the crisis going on everywhere for a moment when you see that miracle of life in front of you."

The OB/GYN said he took up singing to the babies when he was just starting his career. "I like to sing. But this particular part of singing to babies started when I was a resident," Dr. Andrew-Jaja said in the video.

"There was a gentleman, an older obstetrician-gynecologist on staff and he loved to sing. And later on when he was about to retire, he asked me, 'Andy, do you sing to your babies?' And I said, 'Well, no. It's your stuff,'" Dr. Andrew-Jaja said.

"And he said, 'Go ahead, do it.' So, I took it over. He passed on the baton to me," he continued. "And I took it over and I started to sing to my babies ever since then and I do it every time."

Now, four decades later, Dr. Andrew-Jaja has sung his last lullaby at the hospital. At the end of June he officially retired, UPMC told CBS News.

He actually stopped delivering babies a few years ago, but kept seeing OB patients, UPMC said. It isn't uncommon for doctors to do this and although he wasn't at their deliveries, Dr. Andrew-Jaja would visit patients in the postpartum wing after their babies were born — and he would still sing. 

He'd check on the moms and babies and give them the gift of song. Lindsay Grimes was one of the last moms to receive that gift.

"We're so excited to have a new addition to our family," Grimes told UPMC ahead of Dr. Andrew-Jaja's visit. "So, to have him sing to one of our babies would be awesome." 

The doctor visited Grimes and her newborn, Luella, and sung his signature: "What a Wonderful World." 

Dr. Andrew-Jaya said that the last baby he sang to was just as important as his first. "Each of them is an individual. You know, I've delivered thousands and thousands of babies," he said in the UPMC video. "When I'm singing to those babies, I think I'm singing to a future important person. That's the credit I give to all of them."

While he's officially retired from both delivering babies and visiting patients, Dr. Andrew-Jaja's legacy as "The Singing Doctor" will continue in Pittsburgh. Councilman Corey O'Connor declared May 16 "Dr. Carey Andrew-Jaja Day" this year. 



Mom's 'nagging text' gets dad to adjust 3-month-old son's car seat -- just minutes before crash
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Tennessee woman claims her “nagging text” for her husband to adjust their 3-month-old son’s car seat strap may have saved the child’s life.

Just minutes later, she says, her husband got into a traffic accident, slamming on the brakes with the child in the car while traveling at “nearly 50 miles per hour.”

Rebecca Tafaro Boyer posted her story to Facebook last year in a post that only recently has gone viral, shared more than 40,000 times. Boyer, who is a nurse at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, was back to work on her first day since taking maternity leave.

She asked her husband, David Boyer, to send her hourly updates about how their son William was handling his first day without his mom. David sent her a photo of the baby in his car seat, writing “Little man is out. We are running errands today.”

“That chest clip isn’t high enough or nearly tight enough,” the new mom quipped back, but she didn’t get a reply.

Fifteen minutes later she said she received a text that her husband had gotten into a car accident less than three miles away from her home. A driver pulled out in front of her husband, forcing him to slam on the brakes while traveling at high speeds.

“My precious little bundle of joy was so well restrained in his car seat, THAT HE DIDN’T EVEN WAKE UP,” Boyer wrote in the post. David said he adjusted the strap before pulling out of the driveway. He himself suffered a broken foot from the crash, but the baby was unharmed.

Boyer said “the reason my family is at home sitting on the couch with a pair of crutches instead of down at the hospital is because of my annoying nagging mom voice.” The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration reports that car accidents are the leading cause of death for children up to 13 years old.

Though car seats saved the lives of nearly 250 children in 2015, about 60 percent of car seats are not used correctly, the agency reported, according to the Washington Post. Boyer said her message for parents is to “take that extra 30 seconds every single time,” which can make a difference and “can save your child’s life.”


What to do if Baby Chokes: A Brief Guide to the Heimlich for Babies

We wanted to post about this very important matter: choking.

We were shocked to find out that every 1 in 5 days a child dies of choking (source).

So please be vigilant watch scan babies surrounding and play area make sure there’s nothing they can choke on.

If anything please watch the video above so you know what to do and be prepared.

More choking info bellow

Do you know what to do if your baby is choking?

Do you know what signs to look for that your baby is choking?

What are the most common causes of choking?

What to look for if your baby is choking

Here are signs that your baby is choking:

  • Bluish skin color (look at the lips)

  • Difficulty breathing -- ribs and chest pull inward

  • Loss of consciousness (unresponsiveness) if blockage is not cleared

  • Inability to cry or make much sound

  • Weak, ineffective coughing

  • Soft or high-pitched sounds while inhaling


The most common cause of choking: food

“Food is the most common cause of infant choking. However, small objects, parts from toys and certain types of behavior during eating — such as eating while distracted — also can cause infant choking.” (source)

Be careful of high risk foods. Don't give babies hot dogs, chunks of meat or cheese, grapes, raw vegetables, or fruit chunks, unless they're cut up into small pieces.

Also, everyday household might seem harmless but can be a huge danger. It’s important that small objects are never around such as coins, buttons, batteries, dice and pen caps.

Also, make sure their toys are age appropriate. We used to think that the age guidelines were just for if baby will understand the toy or game. But it’s actually for safety too.

What to do if baby chokes

How to do it for infants under 1:

  1. Place her facedown on your forearm, supporting her neck and chin with your fingers. Tilt your hand so her head is lower than her chest.

  2. Give five quick blows to her back between her shoulder blades, using the heel of your free hand.

  3. If no object pops out, turn your baby over and place her faceup on a table or the floor.

  4. Place two fingers in the middle of her breastbone just below nipple level and give five quick thrusts.

  5. Repeat the cycle of five back blows and five chest thrusts until the object is dislodged or she begins breathing.

  6. If your baby becomes unconscious, begin CPR immediately. Each time you go to deliver rescue breaths, look for an object in her mouth. If you see something, take it out. But never put your fingers into her throat to feel for an object; you could lodge it more firmly.

How to do it for kids older than 1:

  1. Stand or kneel behind your kid, wrapping your arms around him.

  2. Make a fist and place it just above his belly button.

  3. Grasp your fist with your other hand and give quick upward thrusts.

  4. Deliver thrusts until the object is dislodged or he begins breathing.

  5. If your child passes out, begin CPR immediately. Each time you go to deliver rescue breaths, look for an object in his mouth. If you see something, take it out. But never attempt to put your fingers into your child's throat to feel for the object; doing so could lodge the item more firmly in his airway.

What to Remember:
Even if you successfully perform the Heimlich, you still need to call 911, says Nicholas Tsarouhas, M.D., associate medical director of the emergency department at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. "Always have your child evaluated after any near-choking incident."


Mike + Julie AnneComment
Don’t Rush Body

Here’s another beautiful essay from the Lisah Chronicles.

Here she writes about the changes her body went through during pregnancy. She writes to her body and how it now has scars, stretch marks, and extra skin. She write about how she misses her old body and doesn’t know if it’ll return back.

Don't worry body, you don't have to be in a hurry to go back to being what I know that together we go through drastic changes and it would be cruelty to expect a lot

But she’s grateful for her body for housing, protecting, and nurturing the most important thing in her life…her baby.

And every time I look at you and miss what you were before I will look at the beautiful gift that gave me, and so I will remember everything we spent together.

So she’s understanding and accepting of the time it takes to heal, and if it’ll heal.

Don't worry body, after we go through crying and blood together, my respect for you is above any vanity.
We can go slow body... no need to rush!

Your body will change but it was for the better…and it’s beautiful.

The Lisah Chronicles are in Portuguese and the translations are from Google and/ or Facebook so it’s not perfect but the sentiment and feeling are. :)

Don't rush body

Don't worry body, you don't have to be in a hurry to go back to being what I know that together we go through drastic changes and it would be cruelty to expect a lot
For nine months you have totally modified to house the most important being of my life, you had the organs contracted and the uterus increased countless times greater than its normal size.
In addition to all the hormonal mess you offered the food and oxygen that my baby needed, had his skin extremely stretched so that my serzinho could stretch and grow strong, together we feel the thud that is to be the intermediate of heaven and the earth, You held liquid, weighed, the column hurt for days no matter the position we stayed.
And as if it was not enough all this radical change for nine months, you at the end still won, won a lot... had its skin torn
We won scars and lots of exhaustion
Don't worry body, no need to rush!
I respect you, respect the moments that donate us together.
And every time I look at you and miss what you were before I will look at the beautiful gift that gave me, and so I will remember everything we spent together.
You don't have to be in a hurry to go back to being as it was, in fact you don't have to go back if you don't want to,
Don't worry body, after we go through crying and blood together, my respect for you is above any vanity.
We can go slow body... no need to rush!

Author: Lisah

Page: The Chronicles of Lisah

Mike + Julie Anne
My Daily Routine: From an 8 Month Old
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A Father of an 8 month old, wrote a fabulous piece on his 8 month’s daily routine…from the perspective of the 8 month old…and it’s absolutely genius.

I wake up at 4 a.m. — 3:30, ideally. In that quiet time, I catch up on my mobile and work in a little yoga with Baby’s Pose, where you basically try to eat your own feet. Then I’m ready to scream for my first breast of milk. While the rest of the world is asleep, I’ve already won the morning.

He also write on little Jasper’s decision making on what clothes he wears and why!

I cut down on unnecessary decision-making by wearing the same thing every day: pajamas. It has sort of become my signature, and it also projects a certain unassuming, “I woke up like this” confidence. I’m saying, “I don’t need to wear corduroy overalls and an engineer’s cap to look like I belong.”

And of course he writes about the untimely poop sessions

One thing I’ve learned: When you’re having a good poop, don’t let anything get in the way. I don’t care if I’m at a restaurant without a diaper-changing station, or on a red-eye flight, I’m not stopping. Inspiration is rare; deal with the collateral damage later.

If you want to read the entire article you can find it hear…it’s hilarious.


Congratulations to Reese! The World’s Cutest Baby!

Reese: A hero disguised as the World’s Cutest Baby

When Hurricane Florence made landfall in Florida, it was utter chaos.

35 inches of rain, 22 billion dollars worth of damages, and countless lives lost.

One of those victims were little Reese’s Mom and Dad.

They almost lost everything.

But is was through this tragedy that they realized how special and gifted Reese truly is.

During hurricane Florence, this family had to evacuate. There were 130 mph winds, what seemed like unlimited amounts of rainfall. They lost everything.  Their kitchen, dining room, and living room were all destroyed. Their house was buried underwater.

It was during this tragedy that 2 month old Reesey Roo came to the rescue.  

The complete story of how this adorable baby recused her Mom and Dad is bellow.


If you have the world’s cutest baby…

If you want to put him/her on the cover of a magazine…

If you’re looking for a keepsake for yourself or a gift for Grandma…

If you would like to celebrate your baby on social media…

If you would like to remember this special time in your baby’s life…

Let us write about your baby and put them on a cover of our Magazine.

Choking Hazard
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Hi Guys

Is it cold where you guys are at? It's "freezing" here in Southern California.

(We know...we know...it's way colder probably way colder where you are at. Sorry for complaining. Ha ha ha)

But our kids are still sick. Our daughter is ok, just a slight cold. The son has cold and cough.

At least they're able to sleep which means we can sleep. :)

We've been running a humidifier at night.

But would love know if any of you guys have any other tricks to help sick babies and kids sleep at night.

Please let us know if you have any tips!

Bellow are some stuff we found this week that you might find useful.

2 of them you should you definitely take a look at.

One is about recall and the other is about a super baby sale!

Recall for choking hazard

Please be careful Moms, there's been a voluntary recall on Baby Gripe Water.

Dollar General stores has pulled their DG Baby Gripe Water for ingredients that possibly choke kids.

For those of you that don't know Gripe Water is a homeopathic remedy to help relieve baby with stomach and gas issues.

It's popular for colic babies.

This particular brand might have ingredients that are hard swallow and could possible choke babies.

Learn more about choking hazard here

Walmart Baby Sale

This Saturday Walmart is having a huge baby sale.

Everything that your baby could possibly use is on sale.

The sale is online and at your local store. But if you can it might be a good idea to go in person.

A Walmart spokesman said:

"it's a hands-on opportunity to demo baby gear, talk to specialists, learn about online grocery pickup, and take home samples and coupons."

Pro Tip: If they have a great deal on diapers it might be worth it to get current sizes and future sizes. If baby out grows the sale diapers you don't want to be stuck with them.

For example if your current baby is a size 2, maybe get some in a size 3 just in case.

More Walmart Baby Sale information here

What it means to be lucky

Here's a fun post about how lucky we all are.

It's from Bekah Martinez from the Bachelor.

She writes about:

“Lucky is getting the opportunity to carry a child within you,”

“Lucky is having a healthy baby,”

“Lucky is watching your body change after bringing new life into the world, not squeezing into your old high-waisted jeans a week after giving birth.”

“My face is swollen, I’m wearing a diaper, and my belly hands over my sweats,” Martinez wrote.

“I am truly lucky.”

To see pictures of Bekah and her cute baby please click here

We feel super lucky for you guys and all your support for the site and Facebook Page.

We appreciate all your Shares, Likes, emails and feedback!

You guys are truly the best!

Thank you for everything

Julie Anne and Mike

When a mother says she's tired, that's all she meant

We saw this beautiful essay/ poem. It rang so true to what a lot of Moms are feeling out there.

We understand.

From the Lisah Chronicles:

When a mother says she's tired, that's all she meant!
She did not say she wants to drop her son and forget that he (a) exists

When a mother says she wanted some time alone, just for you, that's all she meant!
She didn't say she's sorry to be a mother and that motherhood was a mistake in her life

When a mother says she needs help to get things done, that's exactly what she meant!
She is not talking that she is incapable and does not realize her own life

When a mother makes a noodles for dinner, does not mean she does noodles every day of life and that the son (a) is a child who does not know vegetables and vegetables

When you arrive at a mother's house and face disorganization, it doesn't mean that every day that house is disorganized.
When a mother says she'd love to go out with her friends, that's all she meant!

She doesn't want to go back to being "Single / not mother" and like it as if she had no responsibility.
When a mother says she's worried and afraid, that's extremely what she meant!

She didn't say she's going to falter, and much less she's a coward
When you listen to a mother screaming, it doesn't mean she just screams, probably she has spoken 300 times with normal voice tone

When you see a nervous mother, the edge of madness, doesn't mean every day she's in that situation.
There is a whole context, a whole situation

Do not invent untruths to judge someone, let alone a woman who every day, at all times, gives up her own life to live the life of another being that she knows is much more important than her.
In the world there is no human being able to give up and donate as much as a mother!
And they deserve a lot of understanding and fewer trials.

Lisah - The Chronicles of lisah

Mike + Julie AnneComment
Magazine Cover Giveaway Winner! ** THIS HAS ENDED**
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The response was quite shocking, humbling and incredible.

So many babies entered! But rightfully so…They were all so incredibly cute!

We had so much fun doing this! Thank you!!!


Before we had our winner we had Moms ask us if we can do one for them as a gift, to frame for Grandma or something they can hang on their wall and/ or post on social media.

We spoke with our graphic designer and asked if she would be willing to do a few for you guys and she said yes!

So if you would like a custom cover of your baby on our magazine and a personalized article about them, please sign up bellow.

Because she’s doing it at a super reduced rate. We can only do it for the first 3 people who respond.

You just have to pay for her time…$35.


If this is something you're interested in please sign up bellow.


Mike + Julie AnneComment
Little Big Bow Co Promo Code

We found an awesome awesome company…Little Big Bow Co.

They make awesome bows…big bows in fact…at awesome prices.

We first saw them in our Facebook Group. A Mom posted her baby and she was wearing a OMG-cute bow. We asked her about it and she loved the bows and company!

And after talking to the Bre Khan, who runs Little Big Bow Co, we do to!

It’s so hard to find GOOD bows.

Ones that are stylish practical and at a good price! We think we found them!

Bre is so awesomel! And guess what!?! She’s a Mom also!

If you’re looking for bows take a look at Little Big Bow Co.

Bows truly made with love.

Peg and Lion Moms get 10% off.

Use the Promo Code: PEGANDLION10

Check out Little Big Bow Co. Click here.

Mike + Julie AnneComment
The easiest way to wean a baby off of a pacifier. Really!

Do pacifiers “suck”?…Ha ha ha.

Well we don’t know if they “suck” but we going to give you the good and the sucky part about them.

First a little background and history. Then some information: what age to use them, the pros and cons, and what we eventually did with pacifiers.

At the end we’ll show you a super easy and painless way to wean babies off of it. No crying. No drama. No more paci.

This is the exact technique we did to wean our 2 kids off of the pacifier.

Background: Been around for a while

Pacifiers aren’t a new thing. They’ve been around for years. As early as 1473, they were found in medical literature.

Americans call them pacifiers. The English and Australians call the “Dummys”, and the Canadians call the Soothers”.

But “Binky”, which we’ve heard Moms use from time to time, came from Binky Baby Product Company. They trademarked the name for pacifiers and other baby products.

(Wikipedia Pacifier)

When to use it? After 3-4 Weeks

Most of the research says to use it after baby is 3-4 weeks years old to avoid nipple confusion and to establish a good milk supply and routine.

Here’s what Kellymom.com says:

It is recommended that pacifiers and other types of artificial nipples be avoided for at least the first 3-4 weeks. I’d personally suggest that most breastfed babies – if they get a pacifier at all – would be better off without a pacifier until mom’s milk supply is well established (6-8 weeks, usually) and the 6 week growth spurt is over. That way you’ve established a good milk supply and don’t lose any much-needed breast stimulation to a pacifier.

The Mayoclinic says:

Wait until breast-feeding is well-established. If you're breast-feeding, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting to offer a pacifier until your baby is 3 to 4 weeks old, and you've settled into an effective nursing routine.

But that’s if you need to use them at all. There’s no “there is no scientific evidence that suggests that babies have a need to suck independant of the need for food” (Kellymom.com)

Should I use a pacifier: The Pros vs Cons

It’s completely up to each family on whether a pacifier is right for them. But here are somethings you should consider:


Reduction in SIDS - A pacifier at nap and bed time might decrease the chance of SIDS.

Soothing and ease fussiness - It makes babies feel at ease and comforts them. Can be really helpful during medical procedures like shots.

Help with sleep - It can settle an uneasy baby, especially when used with white noise. Dr Karp recommends it as part of his 5 S Technique for putting a baby to sleep.


Nipple confusion/ interfere with breastfeeding - Sucking on a pacifier is different than sucking on a bottle or breast, switching between them can confuse baby. Some studies have shown it can reduce baby’s frequency or duration of feeding. FYI: newborns should be nursing at least 8 to 12 times a day.

Ear infections - Pacifiers have been known to increase ear infections.

Dental problems - The first few years of using a pacifier shouldn’t cause any dental problems. But if you continue to use it after those years that might cause a child's teeth to be misaligned or not come in properly.

Safety - Choking and strangulations can happen. It should never be tied around baby’s neck. Please be mindful of it breaking, lose pieces that can get lodged in their throat and pacifier recalls.

What we did

Personally: We used them. We think they’re great! Ha ha ha

We used them on both our kids. We used them to help them sleep when they were babies (as part of the “5 S’s”). We used it too soothe them when they were older.

All of the concerns mentioned above are legitimate but we didn’t see any of the “cons” with our friend’s and relative’s kids so we kept on using them.

We saw a lot of kids who did NOT use a “paci” who ended up sucking on their fingers and thumbs. Although most of these kids eventually grew out of it and just stopped (source link here). But we also know a few of them who were sucking their thumb and fingers for a while 3, 4 and 5 years old which can be a problem. We find weaning a baby off of sucking fingers and thumbs is a lot harder than weaning off of a pacifier.

How to wean baby off of the pacifier

What’s great about a pacifier is you can wean your baby off of it. When they suck finger and thumbs, that’s almost impossible to do. You can’t just hide their fingers and thumbs like you can with a pacifier. Ha ha ha.

When we decided to wean our kids off of it we used the technique bellow and it worked like a charm! So easy! Just for some context for both our kids, and relatives kids, who did this also, they were around 2 years old.

All you have to do….

The only you thing you need to do is just cut the tip of the paci and give it to them. They’ll realize it doesn’t work like it used to and not want it. So just get your pacifier and cut about 1/4 to 1/3 of an inch off the tip and when they ask for it give it to them. Yup it’s that easy! After the first couple of sucks they’ll probably take it out and look at it and wonder what’s going on and why it isn’t like before.

You would think they would notice the tip removed but they don’t. After about 1 minute they realize it just doesn’t work and they won’t like it anymore. After a few days of this, they won’t like it at all and no longer depend on it.

Easy peasy

It’s actually quite funny because when we did it, and gave our little girl a cut pacifier, she had the funniest face. She was part confused, part mad, and part perplexed… Ha ha ha. I wished we took a picture. But it really is that easy. Every time she asked for it we would just give them a pacifier with a cut tip and pretend everything was normal. We would give it and carry on our business. If they asked “wah happened” we would just tell them we don’t know and say “Is it broken?”, then baby would just carry on her business without it.

Another side alternative technique

Another technique I heard about is you get the paci and “accidentally” drop it in the dirt in front of your baby. You make sure it gets dirty and you tell them it’s dirty and yucky, and you have to leave it there. When they ask for it later tell them its outside but it’s dirty and yucky. Supposedly they won’t want it anymore. If they do, you show them that it’s dirty or its gone and the “doggy ate it”. We heard of this technique from different parents and they said it worked.

But we can honestly certify we used the first technique and it worked perfectly. Each of our babies stopped using it within a week but within 1-2 days we can see they were hardly asking it at all.

If you have a technique to wean your baby off of the paci please leave it in the comments or emails us. We’d love to hear it.

Mike + Julie AnneComment
Exciting News!


We wanted to kick off the new year with something great! A BRAND NEW GIVEAWAY!!!

We quite aren't ready to reveal all the details but we think you guys are going to love it!

The only thing is it's only for the Moms in our Facebook Group.

So head over there now and join!

Not only will you be able to join this awesome Giveaway.

You'll be able to join a community of Parents and Moms who support and care for each other.

- Have questions about breast feeding, Dr visits or need to vent, they're all there for you

- Want to share in your baby's milestones, we do to

- Plus, other cool contest, like our Halloween Costume Contest, happen in our Facebook Group.

We hope to see you all there

Julie Anne + Mike

Thank you for an incredible 2018!!!

We just wanted to say thank you so much for an amazing year.

It’s been our honor to be on this amazing journey with you guys.

We love seeing your precious Babies, answering and helping out when we can, and learning from you all as well.

Our Private Facebook Group has almost 300 Moms

Our Facebook Page has almost 1000 followers.

In 2018, We gave away:

- Over 40 Cups of Starbucks Coffee

- Over 20 $10-$20 Gift Cards to Amazon, Target, and a few others.

- 2 Baby Monitors (both worth $200 each).

Our resources on our website we had:

- Free White Noise

- Hospital Bag Checklist

- Baby Sitting/ Day Care Guides

We're not perfect though and we've had our ups and down, as we're still trying to figure all this out.

But we do feel so “successful” because of all your emails, comments, Likes, Shares, participation, support and of course your wonderful Babies!!!

We have some great things planned for 2019!

We hope we can continue on this journey together!

Happy Holidays!

Thank you for blessing us!

Julie Anne + Mike

Mike + Julie AnneComment
Did you know

You should NOT let your baby drink water

For the first 6 months they should only drink breast milk or formula.

“Adult humans are made up of 55-60 per cent water, while a baby is 75 per cent
This means if they drink a drop of water their bodies may become imbalanced
Their kidneys could become overloaded by the work and go into hyponatremia
Babies can start drinking water at six months of age, supplemented by milk”

Find more information about why babies shouldn’t drink water here

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Santa visited babies in the NICU and warmed everyones hearts

Santa has a yearly tradition In Fort Myers at the Golisano’s Children Hospital visit and spend times with the babies and families in the NICU unit. This year he took pictures and gave out gifts to more than 50 families.

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Click here to see more pictures of Santa in the NICU.

The cutest babies had an ugly sweater contest…OMG the cutest.

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The nurses in a hospital in Pennsylvania do the CUTEST contest…Ugly Sweater Contest. But with babies this cute…nothing can be ugly!

To see the cutest babies in “ugly” sweaters please click here.

Mike + Julie AnneComment
From Real Moms: How to Cut Babies Nails without hurting baby!
Be sooooooo careful! One wrong move…and snip! Don’t worry we’ll show you how to cut babies nails without hurting baby!

Be sooooooo careful! One wrong move…and snip! Don’t worry we’ll show you how to cut babies nails without hurting baby!

Don’t know about you guys but cutting babies nails can be scary.

Their perfect unblemished skin just micro-millimeters away from sharp metal cutters!

One wrong turn…ouch…pinch…cut!

Yikes…The thought of it raises the hair on my skin.

We decided to ask some real Moms from our Facebook Page about this and they gave us some awesome tips.

From real Moms, tips on how to cut your babies nails

Distraction - Distracting a baby can keep them still long enough so you can cut their nails safely.

You can make a game or just wait for them to eat! Love this idea…Yum yum.

Jessica P. - “We did and then I started doing it while he is eating. It's perfect!”

Kassandra Y - “I tip I learned while trying to my little ones nails is to lay her on her changing table and make a game out of it.”

Sleeping - Do it while baby is sleeping so she’s completely still and you can take your time. They say when baby naps you should nap…but maybe first cut their nails.

Brittany C. - “I do it when my girl falls asleep”

Delilah A. - “I wait until she’s asleep then I do it and it’s a breeze.”

Megan L. - “I also try to do it while he sleeps. I went without doing it for a while an regretted it the second he scratched my face”

Reverse Grip - Love this tip because it’s more about technique and you can do it while baby is sleeping or eat! Just don’t know how to use this for their toes….hmmmm…

Joanna L. - “…do it backwards .. so instead of doing it from the front I do it from the back .. so I'm looking at Palm of hand”

Use a nail file - Love love love this. Why risk cutting them when you can file. It might take longer but it sure takes the anxiety out of it all!

Kayln B - “I use the electric file from amazon! I cut my baby girl once and swore i wouldn’t cut them again.”

If you have more tips or want to share what you do please leave it in the comment!

Here’s a great nail cutter we found! Great reviews on Amazon! And we know tons of Moms that use it!

Where can I find these nail cutters? Please leave a note in the comments.

Mike + Julie AnneComment