
Thank you for coming to our website. 

Me and my Wife truly appreciate you looking us up.  :)

The Peg and Lion started off with 2 little toys on my office desk, a Pegasus and a Lion, a Hatchimal Pegasus and Lion to be exact.  I brought them to work as a small symbol of my Son and my Daughter, so I can have my family around the office at all times.  

When office stress levels were rising, if I was working late, or just having a long day, I would look at those 2 little toys and smile...everything would be all right.  They were just something that reminded me of my home and the people in it, something to center me when the world was being wacky, something to ground me back that says "this emergency...isn't a true emergency".

That’s what this website is about, grounding us parents back to what’s really important and to help us get through the day.

In parenthood, and in life, there are ups and downs.  There are moments that will melt your heart and moments that will crush it.  There are smiles, laughter, tears, exhaustion, and frustration, and frustration… and more frustration!

But hopefully you’ll have just enough of those specials moments, just enough of those magical surprises that will get you to the next day.

Like when your child first smiles, walks, or says their first word.  Or when they randomly say…”I love you Mommy”.  These are the moments that we live for that make the sleepless nights, the messy kitchen, and the all the laundry worth it.

The Peg and Lion will be about this crazy never ending constant battle called parenthood.  As Parents, ourselves, me and my Wife, Julie Anne, are in the trenches with you.  After a long day of work, doing homework with the kids, changing diapers, we too are sitting on the floor eating mint chip ice cream from the box with big spoon.

We will have helpful tips and resources; fun giveaways, contests and prizes; and some "pick me ups", a post, a picture or video to help you smile.

We will share what we know...or even better share what we wished we knew.  Hopefully, we can get a few of you out there to also share what you know and we can build a community of Moms and Dads to help each other get through this.

So stop by our Facebook Page, come to the website, or even better join the conversation, add your experiences and magical moments that helped you today.

Remember, you're not alone.

Just like my little toys at work…The Peg and Lion will be with you.