It's not a trick its science

Is your baby constantly fussy?  Is baby hard to soothe?  Are these Baby Whispers?  If you look at the videos above you'll see some similarities in their technique.  The swaddle, sideways position, the shhhhhing and swinging.  Let's dig in why this works.

The 4th Trimester

The reason this works is based on a book by Dr. Harvey Karp, called The Happiest Baby on the Block.  We highly recommend it.  Bellow you'll find the highlights and main points but if you would like the details or have questions please read the book or ask in our Facebook Group here.

In his book Dr. Harvey Karp discusses the 4th Trimester which is the belief that babies come out 3 months too early and need to be in the tummy for another 3 months, or Trimester.  Unlike horses, or other land animals, who can run and walk at birth.  Our babies can't roll over, smile or even coo yet.  They need help in many aspects.

If your baby is crying and fussy and you've satisfied the basic needs of food, burping, changing diaper, etc., and if you do not have a colic baby, your baby is crying because they want the secure familiar feeling of being in the womb.  It's what they know and feel comfortable in.

So the solution to their crying is to imitate the crammed up, loud, moving sensation of being in the womb.

Calming Reflex

Just like the knee reflex can be triggered by hitting the knee the calming reflex in babies can be triggered by the 5's that imitate the sensation of being in the womb.

The 5 S's are swaddling, sideways position, shhhing, swinging and sucking.

IMPORTANT: Please be extremely careful.  This is meant to be a quick guide and not the definitive technique for all babies.  Please do your own research and see if it's right for you and your family.

1) Swaddling - It doesn't actually calm them but it prepares the baby for the other 4 s' by controlling their arms from flailing all over the place so they can feel secure and pay attention to the other S's.  To swaddle follow the guides bellow:


You can learn mover about swaddling here.

Also, don't worry about overheating.  If babies' ears are red, hot and sweaty then baby is over wrapped.  But try to remove clothing first. 

If done correctly, swaddling should allow baby to sleep a bit longer about 3-6 hours more.

*Important: Lose clothing and blankets are a hazard.  It can create a chocking suffocating situation for your baby.  Do not swaddle baby with bent arms to prevent swaddle from loosening.

2) Side Stomach Positing - This is the first of the "S's" that imitates the baby's life in the womb.  Being held this way puts them in a comfortable familiar position that relaxes them.  After they calm put them on the back to prevent SIDS.

To see it in action look at the video in the beginning of the post or you can also click here


3) Shhhhhing - Shhhing sound needs to be loud as a vacuum cleaner.  It shouldn't be soft and quite.  But don't worry about ruining baby's ears, for months after their birth babies' ears still filled with fluid and the ear drums are thick.  Quietness actually bothers them more.  If baby is crying the "shhhhing" should match the intensity of their crying.  After they are calm use a white noise app or a loud appliance like a fan to prevent them from crying again.

Forget buying an App or the song from iTunes, get the Peg and Lion White Noise Free! 


4) Swinging - When the baby was in the womb it was constantly being swished and moved around so it's natural for a baby to find this sensation relaxing and soothing.

3 key points swinging baby yourself

1) start out fast a jiggly - moving 1-2 inches at the most.

2) heads move more than body - relax your hands so babies head jiggles like jello.

3) follow your baby's lead - Vigorous crying vigorous swinging.

To see it in action look at the video in the beginning of the post or check out this video here.

*Important: Swinging is not shaking.  There's no whipping action.  And the baby's head and body moves in the general same direction, again only 1-2 inches.  They're not moving in different directions.  Please get the book or look up on Youtube if you are confused.

5) Sucking - Babies suck to eat but for also suck for non-nutritive reasons.  Studies show it can lessen stress, release natural pain releasing chemicals in the Babies brain, and prevents SIDS.

How to have baby take the nipple:

1) try different nipples

2) don't force it

3) use reverse psychology and gently pull the pacifier out or tug on it.  Baby will instinctively suck it back into place.

We used the 5 S's on both of our kids and it worked liked a charm.  In fact, even though they're a couple of years older, we still use the white noise now to help put them to sleep. 

If you have any more questions please ask our Facebook Group here.

If you do not want to pay for a White Noise App, download our White Noise for free here.