Choking Hazard

DG Gripe Choak.jpg

Hi Guys

Is it cold where you guys are at? It's "freezing" here in Southern California.

(We know...we's way colder probably way colder where you are at. Sorry for complaining. Ha ha ha)

But our kids are still sick. Our daughter is ok, just a slight cold. The son has cold and cough.

At least they're able to sleep which means we can sleep. :)

We've been running a humidifier at night.

But would love know if any of you guys have any other tricks to help sick babies and kids sleep at night.

Please let us know if you have any tips!

Bellow are some stuff we found this week that you might find useful.

2 of them you should you definitely take a look at.

One is about recall and the other is about a super baby sale!

Recall for choking hazard

Please be careful Moms, there's been a voluntary recall on Baby Gripe Water.

Dollar General stores has pulled their DG Baby Gripe Water for ingredients that possibly choke kids.

For those of you that don't know Gripe Water is a homeopathic remedy to help relieve baby with stomach and gas issues.

It's popular for colic babies.

This particular brand might have ingredients that are hard swallow and could possible choke babies.

Learn more about choking hazard here

Walmart Baby Sale

This Saturday Walmart is having a huge baby sale.

Everything that your baby could possibly use is on sale.

The sale is online and at your local store. But if you can it might be a good idea to go in person.

A Walmart spokesman said:

"it's a hands-on opportunity to demo baby gear, talk to specialists, learn about online grocery pickup, and take home samples and coupons."

Pro Tip: If they have a great deal on diapers it might be worth it to get current sizes and future sizes. If baby out grows the sale diapers you don't want to be stuck with them.

For example if your current baby is a size 2, maybe get some in a size 3 just in case.

More Walmart Baby Sale information here

What it means to be lucky

Here's a fun post about how lucky we all are.

It's from Bekah Martinez from the Bachelor.

She writes about:

“Lucky is getting the opportunity to carry a child within you,”

“Lucky is having a healthy baby,”

“Lucky is watching your body change after bringing new life into the world, not squeezing into your old high-waisted jeans a week after giving birth.”

“My face is swollen, I’m wearing a diaper, and my belly hands over my sweats,” Martinez wrote.

“I am truly lucky.”

To see pictures of Bekah and her cute baby please click here

We feel super lucky for you guys and all your support for the site and Facebook Page.

We appreciate all your Shares, Likes, emails and feedback!

You guys are truly the best!

Thank you for everything

Julie Anne and Mike