Moms Answer: What Percentage of Moms Co-Sleep

Peg and Lion Moms that Currently or Plan to Co-Sleep

We asked our Peg and Lion Moms: How many of you plan or currently co-sleep?

The majority said “No” they don’t currently or plan on co sleeping.

We didn’t find that too surprising. What we did find surprising is that it was only 56% said no. We thought for sure that it would be in the 60-70%.

If you want to see the Facebook Post click here.

Here’s what few Mom wrote in the comments:

“I want to but everyone tells me I shouldn't”

“I hadn't planned on it due to the risks but fell asleep feeding one night and now I'm not as scared. I still try to put him in his bassinet to sleep but if he does fall asleep in the bed I'm not too worried about it”

“It's your choice! Just know the risks and how to prevent them. Look into safe cosleeping. Cosleeping isn't for everyone, but it is possible to safely cosleep if you want to.”

“I did after 6 months. I was too scared before that but now she just likes to fall asleep with Mom n dad n is 9 months old. I'm a tosser and a Turner but when she's with us we literally don't budge. So I think it depends on how much you would move with little one next to you”

Here’s a great tip one Mom gave:

Room share instead of bed share❤️❤️ They make safe cosleepers too that connect to side of your bed rather then having baby IN The adult bed. 

She also shared some resources (this is why this group is the best):

NIH in Sleep

Cribs for Kids

Charlie’s Kids

Inland Northwest SIDS Foundation

Mike + Julie AnneComment