What Nobody Tells You About Co-Sleeping


There’s a lot to be said about co-sleeping.

Safety vs Bonding. Easier to Breastfeed vs Space to Sleep. The list goes on and on.

But there’s one thing nobody talks about when they discuss co-sleeping and that is how hard it is to get them to leave the bed! Ha ha ha.

We weren’t a big fan of co sleeping at first, safety being the main reason. But then it was just easier for us to breastfeed.

Baby cries. No getting up. Feed. Go back to sleep.

But as time passed it just became nice to be one big happy family on one bed.

Fast forward to a toddler tossing and turning. Giving us no space…Ha ha ha

Now we’re having problems getting her to go into her own bed.

I’m sure there’s a technique or it’s a simple mater of being stern, and after a week problem will be solved. But let us tell you guys. It takes effort. And we’re tired!

Looking back still don’t know if we would NOT co-sleep again.

But definitely didn’t see this coming!

Resources: If you’re co-sleeping check out these links bellow to help you get out of it

Getting a Toddler to Sleep Alone in His Own Room

6 Tricks to Getting Your Toddler to Sleep in His Own Bed

Reclaim your bedroom: How to get your kids to sleep in their bed

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