Can you do us this small favor?
This was posted on our facebook group!
For the next 10 minutes give your Baby your complete and undivided attention.
Slow down. Slow your mind.
Put away your phone. Turn off your TV. Do not think about work. Only focus on that incredible bundle of precious in front of you.
If they’re sleeping watch them sleep. Notice how they breathe. Look at their body position. Imagine what they’re dreaming about.
If they’re eating watch how they chew? How do they grab their food? What’s their reaction to the food?
If they’re on a bottle or breast feeding look at their eyes.
If Baby is still in the tummy, put your hands on your belly and gently use your hands as your eyes and sense what they doing, imagine what that looks like.
Soak it all in.
Not just what’s visually in front of you but what are the sounds they make? How do they smell?
Don’t look up. Don’t look away. Don’t judge your Baby or yourself.
Just take it in.
Give your Baby a big hug, gentle kiss and let them know you love them.