List to Foods NOT to Eat while Breastfeeding

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"Can I eat spicy foods?"

"Can I eat sushi?"

"Is coffee ok to drink?"

If you are breastfeeding these are great questions to ask and we are so glad you are asking them.  But the reality is, in general, there are no food you should really avoid because you are breastfeeding.  And there is no magic list of foods that breastfeeding Moms should avoid.

I guess that's a good thing right!?!

Here's what says:

Is there a list of foods that I should avoid while breastfeeding?

There are NO foods that a mother should avoid simply because she is breastfeeding. It is generally recommended that you eat whatever you like, whenever you like, in the amounts that you like and continue to do this unless you notice an obvious reaction in your baby to a particular food. There is no such thing as a “LIST OF FOODS THAT BREASTFEEDING MOTHERS SHOULD NOT EAT” because most nursing moms can eat anything they want, and because the babies who are sensitive to certain foods are each unique – what bothers one may not bother another. If you have a family history of allergies and think your baby might be allergic, you might want to avoid certain foods, but again, this would be different for every child.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: A mom from our group just told us that "Mint, parsley, and sage can cause a decrease in supply. They don't effect everyone the same but it is definitely something to know for every breastfeeding mom, especially if they are having supply issues."  Thank you Krista for sharing and helping.  Thank you for supporting us and all the other Moms out there. 

Can nursing mothers eat strong-flavored or spicy foods?

Yes, in general. There are many cultures who regularly eat spicy foods and strong-flavored foods, and there is no evidence that a greater percentage of these babies are fussy, gassy, or have other problems with the foods their moms eat. We do know that some strong flavors, like garlic, can pass into the milk but it does not seem to cause problems. In fact, one study showed that babies nursed better after mom ate garlic.

Can acidic foods that mom eats be “too acid” for baby?

No. Acidic foods like citrus, tomatoes, etc. can not change the acidity of breastmilk. Like any other food, however, some babies will be sensitive to the proteins that pass into mom’s milk.

Can a nursing mother eat honey?

Honey is not a problem for mom to eat. The gut flora of adults and children over a year old are able to fend off the botulism spores that may be present in honey, and render them harmless. Since the spores would be killed in your gastrointestinal tract, they would not make it into your bloodstream and therefore cannot be present in your milk.

A baby’s gut can’t defend itself against the botulism spores, and so they can colonize the intestinal tract, germinate and release botulinum neurotoxin. As a result, honey is not recommended for babies under a year old. It’s recommended that you avoid giving baby anything that contains honey, or make sure that the cooking process kills any botulism spores that might be present. Botulism spores are very heat resistant – the toxin is less resistant.

Can I eat sushi?

Yes; just make certain that you are comfortable with the source and care of the raw fish (reputable sushi bars are very careful about this). Like any raw food, sushi can carry carry parasites or a bacteria called listeria monocytogenes (see below for more on listeriosis), and some species of fish should be avoided due to mercury levels. The consensus among breastfeeding experts seems to be that eating raw-fish-sushi doesn’t pose a problem for a breastfeeding baby (though it has the potential to make mom sick).

Should I be avoiding certain kinds of fish?

Due to the risk of too-high levels of methylmercury affecting an unborn child, the US Food & Drug Administration advises pregnant women to avoid eating several types of fish: shark, swordfish, king mackeral and tilefish (these are longer-lived, larger fish that feed on other fish and are thus more likely to accumulate higher levels of mercury). Per the FDA, “While it is true that the primary danger from methylmercury in fish is to the developing nervous system of the unborn child, it is prudent for nursing mothers and young children not to eat these fish as well.” They recommend that your consumption of other kinds of fish (shellfish, canned fish, smaller ocean fish or farm-raised fish) average no more than 12 ounces per week.

Can I drink coffee or soda that contains caffeine?

Most breastfeeding mothers can drink caffeine in moderation. Some babies, particularly those under 6 months, may be more sensitive to mom’s caffeine intake. Babies whose mothers avoided caffeine completely during pregnancy seem to react more to caffeine in mom’s diet. Even if baby is sensitive to the caffeine now, he may not be when he’s a little older — so if you do have to stop or limit your caffeine intake, you can try again when baby is older. is a great resource and where all this fabulous information came from.  Please check it out if you have more questions.  Or you can always ask us.