Do you plan to breastfeed?

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We asked the question on our Facebook Page and the majority of you Mommies plan or are currently breast feeding!

This is great since so many great things can come from breastfeeding.

Here's what a few Moms said:

" I have weaned my last baby, I nursed both my boys for 2 years"

"My little man only bit me so I pump every 4 hours. I pump enough for 3 babies."

"[Baby} #1 for 14 months and #2 for 3 months so far!"

However, a few Moms did express their sadness due to the inability to product breast milk.

"I was so deadset on breastfeeding my 19 month old but didnt produce milk. I tried for months unsuccessfully so she was formula fed. Please remember not everyone is able to breast feed and can be a touchy subject for us. Fed is best"

"wish i can. i cant produce milk easily. i didnt get any with first 3 babies and this one i am lucky to get 8 oz a day"

Mommies please know the ability breast feed is NOT the biggest factor on whether you'll have a healthy happy baby.  We understand the studies and understand the importance. 

But the most important thing is love.  This is the foundation.  This is the key.

Give the love, the attention, the hugs and the comfort and watch them grow.

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