"How" We Are Going To Do More For You

Hi Guys!

We are pretty excited for this email.

Why?... Because we figured out the "how". :)

"Huh? What are you talking about?", you ask...Ha ha ha

The "Why"

Well, a while ago I sent and email about "Why?".

Why we are doing this. Why the site? Why the emails? Why the Facebook Page?

Hopefully you know "why"... for all of YOU.

Everyone of you Moms and Moms-To-Be, you're the reason why. :)

We understand the journey you are going through and we want to support you any way we can.

Whether it's information (like popular diaper brands), resources (free white noise), or a smile and laugh.

We want to help you out.

That is our "why"

The "How"

But "How"...How do we do it? Was the bigger question.

It takes a lot of resources. The time required is even more so, especially when both me and Julie Anne work and there's 2 kids.

How do we keep doing what we want to be doing...which is all of this.

The Answer is "Sticky"

A few months, and then again a few weeks ago, we did Baby Sticker Giveaway.

We bought a few for the Giveaway and noticed how awful they were.

Cheap material, bad design, wasn't very sticky.

We were thinking we can do it better. So we did!

If you want to get a sneak peak take a look at the link bellow.

Hopefully you'll like it. :)


BTW: Nothing Changes

Will this anything change with the website or the Facebook Group?

Absolutely not.

Our plan is that this will allow us to do more. :)

More resources. More guides and more giveaway and prizes.

It's definitely going to be a work in progress but we think we're headed in the right direction!

Thank you all again for reading this.

We are excited for this new part of the adventure.


Mike and Julie Anne