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Get a Push Gift

How do you get one?

First realize I never knew what a Push Gift was? I never heard of it, or knew it existed. It was well into my Wife's pregnancy that I heard of it.

Most guys, like myself, are completely clueless. Ha ha ha.

Unless we have an older sister that had a baby, we have no idea what's involved in the delivery process. Labor, swaddling, burping...we have no idea. We're too busy following our favorite sports team, or BBQing, or fishing.

How do we gently inform our husband, or significant other, about this fabulous idea, the push gift, so you can get one?...The Peg and Lion Hospital Bag Checklist! :)

We did some research, and brought what we learned from our own experiences, to create this handy dandy check list that you can share with your husband, partner or significant other. Its divided into Mom Labor Bag, Mom Recovery Bag, Diaper Bag and Partner Bag and filled with great tips, advice and helpful hints.

Here's one tip that's on the list that I wish I knew when we had our first child: Create a Group Text for encouragement and moral support.

The delivery process is long, hard and can be very scary. Hearing from your friends and family can make a huge difference in keeping your spirits high. Also, when the stork finally does come, you can share the good news and pictures to the world. :)

So have the this great checklist on things to do and what to bring.

And make sure to share with your partner because guess what's on that list after gifts for your other children...Push Gift! Ha ha ha. :)

Make sure they them know that all items on the list are mandatory! Ha ha ha.

Thank you again for all your support and participation. We'd love to hear any or all feedback you have. This helps us know we're headed in the right directions.

But if you're having fun and enjoying the emails and Facebook Post, please give us a Like or Follow Us on Facebook.

Let us know how it goes with the List! What kind of results did you get!


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