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Mom's Answer: The Most Surprising Thing About Being Pregnant.

We asked Moms our our Facebook Page, "What was the the most surprising thing about being pregnant is/ was...."

Here's what they said.  

"I craved dirt the last couple of weeks. I had heard of bizarre cravings before but always sort of thought it was made up or just happened to crazy people."

"The night sweats afterwards!! ðŸ˜©ðŸ˜©ðŸ˜©"

"Feeling him progress with his kicks. I will miss that!"

The comments on their body a lot of Moms found very annoying.

"How comfortable people feel commenting on your body...or touching it. 'you’re huge!' 'Your face is swollen now!' 'You’re about to pop...ohhh you have 2 months left??' 'Is it twins?!' ðŸ˜‚"

"People coming up to you saying. . You are fat.. or are you sure you having one. .or your baby is going to be so big that you won't be able to push her out"

A few Moms had surprising medical issues...yikes!

 "Carpal tunnnel. Can't feel my right hand!!"

"Having no cervix left at 23 weeks and being air flighted to a bigger hospital to have surgery to try to keep baby in. It was successful. She stayed in 8.5 weeks. I had her at 31 weeks and 4 days. She is my miricle baby."


"Breast cysts" 

But there were also many positive comments.

"Loving being pregnant! I was 9 months pregnant and could have gone longer with him in I absolutely adored the way I felt emotionally, the way I felt and looked physically. Makes me want to do it again just thinking about it!"

"I’m only 7 months and I absolutely LOVE it. I feel better and prettier now that I am pregnant than before I was 💕"

Here's a link if you want to see it for yourself.  CLICK HERE