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What Baby Tips did Grandma Share with You?

Have you heard about removing your shirt and putting it next to your Baby so they can sleep better?

Supposedly, your Baby's sense of smell develops first so by the time Baby is out of the womb it's nose is very functioning and useful. Unlike hearing and sight which can take months to develop.

By placing your shirt, which has your smell on it, next to baby, Baby gets in a comfortable secure mindset thinking Mommy is near by and sleeps better.

No matter the "science" behind it, the bottom line is Grandma said it so it's 100% true...and we did it and it 100% works. 👍😀

What tips, useful or not, did Grandma share with you?

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* After Baby sleeps remove the shirt.  Do not leave any lose items next to your Baby.  Babies under 1 year are best placed to sleep in their own crib, alone, and without blankets or other soft objects to promote the safest sleep environment