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Moms Answer: Morning Sickness Remedies

We asked Moms in our Facebook Page to help us with Morning Sickness remedies.

Here's what they suggested.

Water - Hydration.  Hydration.  Hydration.  Sometimes that means in different forms.  One Mom wrote "Coca cola :) and lots of water".

Peppermint/ Spearmint/ Mint Candy or Gum  - Also try a bottle of peppermint essential oil.  "Dab on your wrist to smell" says one Mom.  But the mint flavor from brushing teeth seems to add to the nausea.  Here's what a Mom said about it "Brushing my teeth would almost always require me changing clothes due to the fact that I'd be hunched over the toilet for any given time".

Saltine Crackers - Don't have the exact reason why this works but this was a very common answer with Peg and Lion Moms.  Maybe it's because of the next reason.

Eat Food Regularly - "Eating small things all day to help keep my stomach from getting completely empty" is what one Mom suggested.  Another Mom wrote "Making sure my belly had something in it at all times".

Vitamin B6 - Another very common answer with our Moms.  But here's what says, "Taking vitamin B-6 can be an effective measure for improving symptoms of nausea, but it may not do much for reducing vomiting. AAFP notes that the recommendation is 10 to 25 milligrams every eight hours, but side effects can include headaches, fatigue, and paresthesia, or the sensation of “pins and needles.”  We're not Doctors but so many Moms mentioned it that we decided to add it here but please speak with your Doctor before taking.  :)

Unicom - "Unisom is the only reason I survived" is what one Mom says.  Unisom is a drug that aids in sleeping but that is also used for the nausea.  It's active ingredient is Doxylamine which is an antihistamine.  But please, we're not Doctors.  It was a suggestion by a lot of Moms on our Facebook Page but please speak with your Doctor before taking.

Lemon - Licking, biting or eating.  One Mom said "it works wonders".  We just love how natural and inexpensive it is.

Other honorable mentions: preggy popps, sea sickness bands and ginger or ginger root.

Sorry we don't have the exact reason or "science" behind why these work.  But Moms have suggested the morning sickness remedies above so they seem worth a try.  Of course please use common sense and stay away from these if you are allergic.  And always check with your Dr.

We hope this helps.

If you want to see the exact Facebook Post.

You can find it here.